See and hear from verified buyers at twice the speed of the industry.
You can now ask the right questions and design the right research activities, using innovative technology, to get greater engagement and deeper insights from your qualitative research.

A full suite of digital qualitative tools to answer the right questions in the right way.
NuQual Media
See through the eyes of consumers using this fast add-on of photo and video uploads to your quantitative studies.
NuQual Pulse
Explore consumer sentiment over a moderated, digital exchange to dig even deeper into motivations.
NuQual Custom
Go deeper through moderated live or asynchronous touch points, like virtual in-depth interviews, focus groups and more.
Ready to see and hear directly from your consumers? Request your demo today.
Target hard-to-reach, known shoppers based on recent behaviors, get high-quality responses from highly engaged verified buyers and track them over time.
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Talk to the right people when it matters most with NuQual.
In qualitative research, you don’t need a lot of people — you need the right people. With Numerator, you can finally be sure that you’re hearing from the right people by connecting with our verified buyers. See their behaviors through photo & video uploads, talk with them through moderated digital exchanges or connect live with virtual interviews and focus groups.

Brands that trust NuQual.